Sunday 13 August 2017

Myth Buster 1 - A kinky woman is a slut

No, she is not. She is not a slut, she is not easy, she's not a freak and she's not weak.

A kinky woman is just that. A 'kinky' woman. Just like a kinky man is not a perv, just like he's not a predator most times, just like he's not necessarily desperate. Similarly, a kinky woman is not a slut. She's not some kind of nymphomaniac who likes to fuck all the time, or any random guy she meets.

Where can you find a kinky woman?

Anywhere. You can find her pretty much anywhere. In a work place, at a party, on one of your dating apps, in your college, amidst your friends. She could be the woman living next door and she could be a doctor or a lawyer or a teacher for all you know.

Does a Kinky woman always know she's kinky?

Nope,  not always. However, it is not your responsibility to assume to teach all women kinkiness. Unless you're a kinkster, unless you're dating a woman, please follow the basic courtesy rules your mom taught you about approaching women. Please do not presume that just because a woman has read 50 shades of grey or watched 'Lipstick under my Burkah', she's a kinky woman.  The probability is always 50 % you see?

So, how do you approach a kinky woman?

If you have to ask this question, there's something severely wrong with your inter-gender interaction skills. You've forgotten the basic lessons in courtesy mum taught you. Or maybe, she didn't get time to teach you. Afterall, we Indians often don't ask our parents on how to approach a guy / girl sexually.

So rule of thumb -  you treat her with respect. You do not assume that a woman is kinky to begin with, just because she's on tinder, or on a kink platform or on a kink website, or because she discussed it in a truth or dare game. Don't assume, ask respectfully.

Even if she IS kinky, self-proclaimed, proven or otherwise, she may NOT be interested in you. Don't take her for granted. Not all kinksters are poly (we'll talk about that soon), not all kinky women are sluts, not all kinksters are despos or nymphos. So, if she says a no, BACK OFF! A sexually aware woman saying a no, is more aware of her desires than a presumptuous prick is. So, don't be that prick.

Bitter Much?

Did you feel my tone was caustic? Well, yes it was to an extent. Trust me, it's not because I'm a snob, but because some men do NOT understand a no unless a woman raises her voice. Apparently their inflated egos can't accept it.

If however, you are not a man of the above type, you have my advance apologies and a hope that you will look deeper into my intention.

On a side note, I do hope you will be able to connect with some amazing women who are willing to experiment with kink.

Stay well and play safe!

© Asmi Uniqus 2017

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